Friday, 26 June 2009

Back To Blogging

It was in January last year that I started my blog - with all fanfare (strictly in the heart). The spark burnt with a 1000 candle power intensity and was out even before I could put up my second post. It happens with many of us. We start on a journey weaving spectacular plans only to realise that consistency in a dynamic world is the most difficult feat to achieve. But it does not mean that I had not been writing. Though the output has been a bit slow...i did write ...when the heart was low, when gun-totting youngesters ravaged the city and even when I had reasons to smile back on life.
Starting today, I would publish whatever few tales and poems that had kept me occupied for the most of 2008. It also marks a restart to my blogging. I hope this time, the pursuit to consistency reaches a definite destination. Cheers

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